About us
The website SZCZEPIENIA.INFO was created in October 2007 by the National Institute of Public Health- National Institute of Hygiene (NIPH-NIH). The mission of the website is provision of up to date, reliable information on vaccines, immunization, and vaccine safety. Its creation was supported by the European Commission DG SANCO – project 2005212 (Vaccine Safety – Attitudes, Training and Communication – VACSATC).
The website belongs to WHO’s Vaccine Safety Net, a global network of vaccine safety websites. Today, the network has 47 member websites in 12 languages. It is estimated that more than 173 million users every month access VSN websites that contain, among other information, credible vaccine safety information.
In 2017 the website was upgraded and updated, based on a collaboration with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, and a limited support from Norway Grants, granted during June -October, 2017 within the project “Promotion of the knowledge about vaccinations coupled with support of an effective convincing of parents about the safety of vaccination by the practitioners based on transfer of experience from Norway”. Project was founded by the Bilateral Research Cooperation within the framework of the programme Reducing Social Inequalities in Health of the EEA Grants and the Norway Grants for the years 2009-2014.
The website SZCZEPIENIA.INFO includes extensive information on vaccines registered in Poland, and general information on immunization. Since the 2017 upgrade, there is also a new section including materials for medical practitioners including communication tips and more references to the scientific publications. All texts are prepared by renowned experts in Peadiatrics, Infectious Diseases, Vaccinology, and Public Health. It is updated with answers to questions asked by readers. The audience of the website are general public, parents and health-care profesionals. The English version includes background information on infectious diseases in Poland and vaccines recommended for persons travelling to Poland.
Looking forward for your questions and comments,
The Editorial Team