Ewa Augustynowicz

Ewa Augustynowicz is a microbiologist. She graduated the Faculty of Biology, Warsaw University in 1989, a PhD degree in 1998 and post- graduate studies in 2010. Ewa is the head of the Laboratory of Sera and Vaccine Department, which acts as a state laboratory for controlling the quality of vaccines and blood products (Official Medicines Control Laboratory). At the same time she is the editor of the portal SZCZEPIENIA.INFO.
She is a member of the Polish Pharmacopoeia Subcommittee and is in contact with the European Directorate for Quality of Medicines (EDQM). She is also on the public list of European Experts involved in the European Medicinal Agency’s work in the context of the authorisation, supervision and maintenance of medicinal products for human or veterinary use. She is co-author of more than 70 peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals.